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What kind of weight loss results can I expect?

For a great deal of our patients this is the first and biggest question going through their minds as they begin considering our medical weight loss program. It is a fair question, but the truth is that there is no one answer that will work for everyone. The amount of weight loss that you can expect depends on a lot of personal factors. This is why there are so many advertisements that feature one individual’s great weight loss success, and then in small type at the bottom it says “results not typical.” Rather than promising flat goals, we are here to help create an individual plan that is tailored to your weight loss needs. The best way that we can answer this question is to show you statistically the type of weight loss that our patients experience.

Below is a graph of the average weight loss results* achieved at Medical Weight Loss Specialists from July 2015 - July 2016:

Weight Loss Results

*Results may vary.

We encourage you to focus on the end goal. While losing weight quick is a great moral boost, being successful with long term weight loss is more important. The accomplishments of other patients cannot be a direct indicator of your own success; they are only an indicator of the type of success that this program in general can offer. Ultimately, the amount of weight that you lose will be up to you and your commitment to losing weight.